Contact us

Contact Mendell Primary School

 If you have any questions or queries, please contact the school office and Mrs Mansell, our Business Manager, will be happy to help.

Our SENDCo is Mrs Gwen Hopkins who can be contacted via the school office or via email (click their name to email them)

The Chair of Governors is Rev. Jenny Gillies who can be contacted through the school office.

If you would like a paper copy of any of the information from this website, please contact the school office who will arrange this at no charge.


Contact us

Mendell Primary School

Head Teacher - Mrs C O'Neill Edwards

Allport Lane, Bromborough, Wirral, CH62 7HN

Telephone: 0151 334 1432


Leading Learners Multi-Academy Trust
Ennerdale Road
Greater Manchester
M29 7PY

Tel: 01942 882 870

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